Chairs & Armchairs for Office and Community


Task chairs for the office must guarantee flawless comfort also for people who need to spend many consecutive hours sitting for work, which means precisely designing their construction.

There is no doubt that task office chairs must first of all comply with the legal regulations on safety at work (Legislative Decree 81/08 ITA – 90/270 EEC) and therefore fall within precise dimensional ranges dictated by the reference standard. (EN 1335: 2020 class A and B) and have much higher functional and regulation characteristics than models intended for office use, for example for meeting areas.

In addition to fully falling within the parameters of ergonomics and comfort to which reference has been made, the Sesta task chairs are to be considered qualitatively excellent furniture also for their multiple adjustment possibilities but also for the quality of the materials used, strictly 100% Made in Italy.

And there’s plenty to choose from to meet the most demanding tastes for office seating.

The possibilities range from classic models to those with a minimalist, modern design, without excluding the chairs that present a particularly bold, unusual style, perfect for lovers of more innovative interior design.

So, anyone interested in buying seating of this type can choose from the widest range of models but in all cases, ergonomics and comfort are fundamental features of all the quality office chairs.

Do you want more information about our products?
Contact us on +39 0371 483158 or use the Inquiry Form

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