Chairs & Armchairs for Office and Community


Sesta is a well-established name in the field of furnishing products for offices and areas of community activity.

Among the Company’s many aims is that of designing and producing great products that stand out and are instantly recognized as objects of the highest quality.

One essential factor in our quest for this ultimate aim is our working together with established designers who contribute their professional know-how, their long years of experience and their inexhaustible creativity with the goal of devising products that combine both formal and functional quality.

From design to implementation

Sesta develops customized projects with high professionalism, also in collaboration with its exclusive Dealers, with the support of its technical staff and in collaboration with designers and architects of the sector.

Sesta supports the final customer following him in all the steps, from design to turnkey delivery of the project.


The application of technology to the product is one of the aspects of added value in Sesta’s creative process.

This has been possible because, among the chosen the Company has always made is to devote maximum attention to research into the use of ever more sophisticated materials and into technologically ever more carefully conceived and executed details.

The objective is that of satisfying as far as possible all those needs relating to practicality, comfort and functionality of the user to whom the product is destined.

Without ever forgetting, nor undervaluing, the requirements regarding quality and safety as set out in the UNI and EN standards.

Human resources

Apart from our collaboration with established designers in the realization of their products, Sesta relies on the ability and skills of a highly specialized work-force.

Indeed, the Company only employs skilled staff that are concerned with the product from the very beginning of the project, in each and every phase of its development, selecting the materials to be used and checking to perfection all the details and finishes.

Nor does this great attention end when the product is finished: it continues in the phases of packing, delivery and customer service.

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